I will post some of my better YouTube videos on this page. If you would like to view all of my YouTube videos, please follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/weaselart Don't forget to subscribe!

*After the video has ended at the top of the page you will see a search field, this is a place where you can search YouTube and watch videos directly on this website. Pretty cool huh? Also if you search for weaselart, you will be able to view my videos directly from this website as well. Enjoy!

 This is a preview of my YouTube channel. >=>=>=>=>=>=>

This is a video of my friend Mattias and I performing Houdini's Metamorphosis Illusion again. One year later!

This is my most popular video on YouTube. I hope you enjoy it!


This is a video that I made for my science class for a bit of extra credit. I know it is kind of lame, but hey it got me extra credit right? Enjoy! 

 This is a very random yet somehow funny commercial parody that my friend David and I made. We hope you like it!


 This is a video that I made when I was really bored!

I hope you like it!

This is a video that I shot in my backyard. It was fairly easy to edit and I think that it turned out nicely. Please email me and let me know what you think!
I was fooling around and I came up with this...........
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